This Week I Read…

As part of my goal of reading 100 books this year, Tuesday posts are now going to be all about my literary adventures from the past week.

plus-one-by-elizabeth-fama-book-review-e1396223903440I read Plus One by Elizabeth Fama for the RITA Reader Challenge that Smart Bitches, Trashy Books puts on every year. It’s a YA, urban fantasy book and, though I’m still working on my review, spoiler alert, I thought it was fantastic. My review will be up on the SBTB site sometime in the next few weeks.

20758127I also read What We See When We Read by Peter Mendelsund. This is essentially a essay on what happens in our brains while we read. However, the book separates the essay into bite sized, manageable pieces and includes tons of illustrations. The unique construction made for an interesting and enjoyable read.

Check back next Tuesday for the next edition of This Week I Read… In the meantime, what are you reading?

1 thought on “This Week I Read…”

  1. Anna Vantsevich

    My goal is 20 books in 2015. We can do it!

    This weekend I read “The Defining Decade” by Meg Jay and “The Dead” by James Joyce. I really liked the first one and the latter one interesting too (I looked into it, and the story was based on Joyce’s wife’s life experience so that’s pretty cool).

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