day job

Must All Artists Be Mad?

Let’s begin deconstructing the stigmas and stereotypes about artists. Here’s one – not all artists write all night. Many sleep instead.

Nor are most people able to write a novel while on their lunch break at their 9-5 job. In fact, most artists are better off working hours that are not 9-5.

To back me up I direct your attention to the article below, “Why Creative People Shouldn’t Work 9 to 5”

*Please note, I do not agree with this article’s use of the term ‘creative people’. I firmly believe that everyone is creative. This article, however, is talking about the artist, a specific kind of creative person.*

What do you DO?

There are these things where you go and do something for around 8 hours at a time and someone pays you.  We artists like to call them “day jobs” so as not to confuse the perpetual drudgery with our real work, the writing.

Sometimes, I hear, the day job doesn’t have to be drudgery.  It can be fun in and of its self.  It can be interesting and fulfilling and creative, just like the writing.  What? I shriek.  What dark magic is this?  Where have these horrid lies stemmed from?

I wonder if there is some truth behind this ludicrous nonsense.  Could there be a job out there that I would find interesting and fulfilling and creative AND they would pay me?  It seems like a quest worth pursuing.