This Week I Read

This Week I Read…

You are about to see how busy my life had been over the past week:

I only read one book.


The Princeimgresss Diaries Vol. 2: Princess in the Spotlight by Meg Cabot. This has always been one of my favorites in the series. In fact the first three books are, in my opinion, the best. Volume 2 in particular, though, has lots of wonderful early 00’s pop culture references that perfectly align with my own middle school/high school memories. It’s one of those books that will always be special to me because of when I first read it and my teenage-hood nostalgia.


What did you read this week?

This Week I Read…

Even though it was a crazy busy week, I still fit in time for reading (how can I not when my TBR shelves continue to grow?). Here are the books I read:

Bedwetter_cover Bedwetter by Sarah Silverman. If you, like me, love comedy memoir, this is a must read. It was hilarious and obscene, with lots of photos. I loved how honest she was about her life, particularly when she was talking about some of her moments of shame and the hate mail she’s received.




princess-coverThe Princess Diaries by Meg Cabot. In preparation for reading the eleventh book in the series, I am reading the first ten (as one does). I forgot how great these books are! They are fun, funny, and addicting in the best possible way. I forgot how much I love Grandmere. If you’ve only seen the movie, you’re missing out. Let’s just say the book Grandmere has tattooed eyeliner, drinks sidecars like they’re water, and dresses from head to toe in purple.

What are you reading this week?

In other, related news, my review for Plus One is up on the Smart Bitches, Trashy Books site! Click here to read it: Plus One Review by Celia

This Week I Read…

As part of my goal of reading 100 books this year, Tuesday posts are now going to be all about my literary adventures from the past week.

plus-one-by-elizabeth-fama-book-review-e1396223903440I read Plus One by Elizabeth Fama for the RITA Reader Challenge that Smart Bitches, Trashy Books puts on every year. It’s a YA, urban fantasy book and, though I’m still working on my review, spoiler alert, I thought it was fantastic. My review will be up on the SBTB site sometime in the next few weeks.

20758127I also read What We See When We Read by Peter Mendelsund. This is essentially a essay on what happens in our brains while we read. However, the book separates the essay into bite sized, manageable pieces and includes tons of illustrations. The unique construction made for an interesting and enjoyable read.

Check back next Tuesday for the next edition of This Week I Read… In the meantime, what are you reading?