Writing and exercise

A Shout-Out and An Update Walk Into A Bar

And I have no punchline to that joke. Oh well.

The shout-out goes to my stalwart reader and #1 fan (according to her, though I’m apt to agree) Anna! She reminded me today that I haven’t blogged in a while and she missed my posts. Aw, thanks Anna!

Now for the update.

Work on the book has been going well for two days now! My intense July writing schedule fizzled out around the time I went camping for a week and didn’t write for a week. Then I spent another two weeks catching up with all that life stuff that piles up when you go on vacation. Now I’m finally back on schedule and ready to finish this draft!

I am about writing the way other people are about exercise. If I haven’t written in a while, I feel stressed, anxious, depressed, and annoyed. I get really worked up about where my life is heading and how each day is nothing but meaningless monotony. When I do write, even on the days where the writing is bad or hard or excruciatingly hard, I feel better. I feel energized. I feel like, whatever else happens in the day, I can handle it because I’ve written. That, above all else, is why I write.