When it comes to weather, we Michiganders are notoriously stubborn.
A few days ago, it snowed. A lot. However, at the beginning of the month when we were having a serious thaw and the thermometers hit 50, I shed my winter coat and boots with a sigh and vowed not to wear them again until at least October. On the day of the snowfall I had woken up, excited to wear my new orange flats and a skirt. Think my plans were deterred by a bit of snow and 7 degree temps? Hell no! I’m a Michigander. When I declare winter is over, it’s over, whether or not the weather agrees to co-opperate.
I’m not alone in this. For the past few weeks I’ve seen people out in shorts and tank tops with scarcely a winter coat in sight. All around me people are packing away winter clothes and turning off their heat. Yesterday in a cafe the woman at the next table proudly announced, “I’m declaring it spring. I’ve got my flip flops on and everything.”
Tomorrow I fully intend to wear sandals, whether it’s 55 degrees or negative 10.