Pieces of Things

Some drafts I found:

From December 30th 2015

I like the idea of starting the weekend with a book suggestion. I hope you do too!

Now, pay attention. If you read NOTHING else that I recommend, read this book. If you read nothing else this year, read this book. If you don’t read, well, I’m not sure how you found this post but I’m glad you did because I’m going to tell you to read this book.

The book I’m talking about? Come As You Are by Emily Nagoski

This book does something that should have been done a long time ago. It would have saved all of us, but particularly us women, a lot of heartache. It tells us that we are normal. Specifically, our sexuality is normal. Emily says a lot – we have all the same parts, just organized differently. She tells us that unless you are in physical pain, you are normal, your sexual response is normal, your feelings and attractions and desires are guess what? Normal.

For someone who didn’t absorb anything in science classes, Emily made this stuff approachable through some great metaphors. She walks you through the technical parts and shows how important those are to understanding the social, cultural, self expressive parts of sexuality. She gives us hope that no matter how screwed up your childhood was or what cultural messages made you feel inherently wrong or bad, you can heal and recover and are still normal.

Some of my most deeply held ideas were challenged by this book in the best way possible.

From March 9th 2018

Whew, it has been a long time since I’ve written on here. Part of me wants to delete the whole thing and start again so that no one can read the rambling posts from my years ago self. Only that’s how I’ve ended up with so many internet footprints. One time someone told me they found and read a blog of mine that I was certain had been deleted. Yet nothing is ever truly gone from the internet. Not when sites and companies own all of the content you post.

But I digress.

You are seeing me, dear readers, at the end of my graduate school journey. It has been a long two years and the next six weeks are certain to be an uphill battle to graduation. I am full of trepidation about the future and the constant feeling that there’s something I’ve forgotten in the present.

I have some ideas for the future of this blog. Of course I will continue to write about my writing journey and the weird romance novels I find. But I’m also going to put in some longer pieces about library topics I think are important. If you follow my instagram (and you should) you know that I post there about three things: my life (ok, mostly my cats), library stuff, and writing stuff.