5 Reasons I Almost Stopped Writing This Blog

Let’s face it, once the blog is up and running and you’ve spent a few giddy hours playing with font and rearranging photos, the excitement of the whole thing wears off and you’re faced with the prospect of now actually running a blog.  Thus this list:

5 Reasons I Almost Stopped Writing This Blog

1. I got bogged down trying to come up with post ideas that would be fun to write but that I wouldn’t mind my grandma reading.  Trying not to offend anyone, particularly dear grandma, is a fast track to writer’s block, the graveyard of the one-post blog.  To combat this I am giving myself permission to go all in and write what I want without apology.

2. Then I started going off on how, with so many zillions of blogs are out there, no one will want to read mine. Well this blog isn’t really about you, it’s about me.  I am writing it because I want to so who cares if no one reads it?  Eventually, of course, I would like some reader feedback but for now, I write for me and me alone.

3. Never think too closely about just who can read what you put online.  Or how many people can see what you write!  It takes a lot of courage and lady-balls to post real, honest content online for all to see.  This thought tornado is yet another path to crushing writer’s block and is being stamped out immediately.

4. What if I don’t have enough to say?  It is the paradox wherein I have all these things floating around in my head all day but, when I actually go down to write them, poof, they vanish.  This is not a new concept and there are number blog entries, articles, and books written on how to deal with this phenomenon.  Therefore, not a good reason not to write my blog.

5. Finally, time.  Thou fickle hearted mistress.  Time that seems to stretch on forever at breakfast but then has all but disappeared just after lunch.  Who has time to write a blog?  I have no comeback to this reason – it has been the cause of failure for all my other blogging attempts.  So I will post Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday when I remember and won’t when I forget!

Starts with a bang

Instead of a lengthy welcome post wherein I explain who I am what I’m about and…whew, already bored.

Last night, in the moment before I fell asleep, I thought a snake was going to get into my room through my stove vent.  It conceivably could happen.  The vent leaves directly outside and sometimes I hear the rustling of creatures who get trapped in there.  I live mostly below ground so the event is at perfect height for some unsuspecting snake to slither in to hide from the rain or the neighbor’s dog.  Then there are these large holes in the vent its self, definitely large enough for a snake to get through.

The moment my sleepy brain put all these pieces together, I had the lights back on and was sitting straight up, staring at the vent.  That’s when I remembered I’d covered it with plastic for the winter.  So, if a snake was to get in, it couldn’t actually fall through the cracks and onto my stove until I removed said plastic.  Meaning I didn’t have to worry.  Yet.

The idea was comforting for about three minutes until I thought about how thin the plastic really was and how easily a snake could tear through it with it’s sharp, poisonous fangs…