The Latest News

After the excitement of last Friday’s pre-order launch/cover reveal, things have settled down and I haven’t posted as much. During the week I have to make a choice whether to post or to work on my current book writing project. Since I’m general uncomfortable marketing myself and try to write daily to maintain my sanity, I tend to opt for the current project. Which, conveniently, is the sequel to Celebrity Spin Doctor. So my head is very much in the same world, just with different characters and another absurd plot.

Luckily I have some fabulous friends and family who are promoting my book every chance they get. Right now my sister Tara is doing a giveaway on her Facebook. All you have to do is comment on her post (which I’ve linked to) telling her what the last book you loved was and she’ll pre-order you a copy!

You might be asking, what’s the big rush to pre-order when the book doesn’t even come out until September 20th? Well I’m trying to get this book into print and in order to do that, I’ve got to sell 150 copies of the e-book. Once it’s in print, I can send out signed copies, get it into libraries, and fulfill the dream of seeing my name on a book on my bookcase.

Well that’s my sell for the day. If you do decide to buy it, don’t forget to tell me so I can enter you into my giveaway!