Lots of News

September came before I knew it and now we’re only 16 days away from my first ever book release! I don’t even know what to think.

But luckily I do remember all the things that I should have shared and haven’t yet:

For all you bloggers, reviewers, and librarians out there, Celebrity Spin Doctor can now be requested on NetGalley! If you haven’t used NetGalley before but you review books on Goodreads, Amazon, a personal blog, a professional blog, etc., check it out! It’s free to join. You can request pre-pub copies of books from a variety of publishers. I’ve been using it for almost two years and have found some great stuff to buy for the library, even if I don’t always remember to send my reviews back to the publishers…

Second, my sister Tara is giving away 10 pre-pub copies of Celebrity Spin Doctor on her Facebook! Look for Tara Mulder and tell her what the last book you loved was. Last I checked there were still a few left. If you’re not on Facebook, comment on this post and I’ll pass it along to her.

I’m also participating in the Genre Party over on Facebook. Every day for the month of September, different authors in all subgenres of romance will be hanging out in the Facebook group, doing giveaways and chatting about their books. I’ll be there from 4-5pm EST on September 9th and from 6-7pm EST on September 28th. I will have exclusive giveaways just for the party!

And don’t worry friends who aren’t on Facebook, I’ll on Instagram too and you can enter there as well.

If you haven’t done so yet, there’s still plenty of time to enter my pre-order giveaway. Remember to send me a copy of your order confirmation, so I know to enter you!